10 Success Strategies To Live Well and Earn Well

10 Success Strategies To Live Well and Earn Well

How have you achieved everything you want to be successful in your life?

Dr. Terri Levine shares insights inspired by an article from Warren Buffett, where he explained how he achieved success. This article inspired Dr. Terri to create a list of 10 personal strategies that have been essential to her success.

Listen to this episode to discover these 10 strategies and learn how to apply them in your own life.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:49] Introduction

[01:24] Jump in early

[01:53] Read a lot of biographies

[02:08] Visit interesting places

[02:13] Meet new and interesting people

[02:38] Get into any business

[02:57] Find a role model

[03:10] Have a loyal circle of peers

[03:17] Take care of your mental and physical health

[03:39] Create a life and business plan

[03:54] Laugh a lot

Golden Nuggets:

  • “Get into any business to gain experience.”- Dr Terri Levine  [02:36]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there. It’s Dr. Terri from Live Well, Earn Well, thanks for tuning in. I am here in the gym just doing my morning workout, and I was thinking about something. I read an article over the weekend, and the article highlighted Warren Buffett, his 12 best suggestions for how he’s achieved everything in his life. And it actually made me think of, well, what are mine? What are the 10 or 12 that I have? And I jotted them down. I think I only came up with 10 instead of 12, so forgive me. But the first one that comes to me is jump in early. The reason we call tape instead of cellophane tape, scotch tape, is because that brand jumped in early. 

The reason that a lot of us, most of us, call that red sauce ketchup and not catsup is Heinz jumped in early. The reason we even have the word ‘fridge’, like a refrigerator is from the company Frigidaire that jumped in early. So, companies that jump in early tend to own a brand. Second: Read a lot of autobiographies. I’ve read autobiographies of business owners for years, and that has helped me know what pitfalls can happen and how to avoid them. The third thing, and this comes up for me, is visit interesting places. Go out, meet new and interesting people. 

My goodness, just at a party the other day I met someone who was fascinating. We went to lunch a few days later, and that person actually just hired me, which I wasn’t expecting at all. I was hiking a few months ago, and I started a hike with a group that was also hiking, and we’re also doing some business together. So, you just never know. Definitely get into any business, and I mean any business to get experience. My gosh, in high school I worked at an ice cream store, I worked at a fish and chip store, and I also worked in theater for a number of years. All of those experiences, I have carried those lessons with me. Definitely find role models. 

My first role model was the great Zig Ziglar, taught me so very much, and literally, was my first mentor for business as well as personal development. Create strong relationships with your family, your partner, your friends. Have a loyal circle of people. Definitely take amazing care of your physical and mental health. That’s why I’m in the gym every single day. That’s why I meditate. That’s why I journal. That’s why I go outside and just do some breathing every single day. That’s why I drink water. That’s why I make healthy eating choices. That’s why I avoid GMOs. I could go on and on. 

So, take great care of your physical and mental health and create a life and business plan. It amazes me when a new client family member signs on, most of them, like, “Can I see your life and business plan?” “My what?” So, we really need that, and that is a plan to help you live well and earn well. Laugh and laugh a lot. Laugh at yourself, laugh at mistakes. Humor helps you get through life with a lot more joy and a lot less stress. And I’m only going to give you 10, I said 12. There’s 10 that are showing up for me in this moment. So, number 10 is to join a supportive community. Hang out with people who uplift you and they are there to help you achieve your goals. 

I am delighted that you tuned in. If you want to chat, go over to heartrepreneur.com. I’d be happy to have a chat with you, myself or my team, see what your life and business plan are, or to give you our simple formula for a life and business plan as my gift to you for subscribing to the podcast. We love when you give us great reviews and recommendations and when you share the podcast. Thanks for tuning in, I will see you next time here at Live Well, Earn Well.

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