Creating the Life You Deserve and Desire

Creating the Life You Deserve and Desire


Creating the life you desire and deserve begins with mastering your mind. Your thoughts significantly influence both your physical well-being and your ability to generate wealth.

In this enlightening episode, Dr. Terri Levine explores the powerful connection between our thoughts and the lives we create. She emphasizes that we have the ability to design the life we desire and deserve by understanding how our brain operates.

Dr. Terri Levine also sheds light on the harmful effects of negative thoughts and guides listeners on the power of harnessing thoughts that nurture your happiness and well-being. Tune in and learn!

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:34] Episode introduction

[00:39] Today’s focus: Creating the life you desire and deserve

[01:14] How our brain works

[01:50] The effects of negative thoughts

[03:09] The power of harnessing thoughts that nurture your happiness and well-being

[04:45] Grab your counsel:

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Golden Nuggets:

  • Our brains are hardwired to find problems. [00:50]
  • “The mind is a theater of imagination.” ~Dr. Terri Levine [01:14]
  • You can unconsciously create a large amount of psychological stress by repeatedly thinking about things that are not in the best interest of your fulfilling life. [01:59]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there. I’m Dr. Terri Levine, and welcome to Live Well, Earn Well. Today, I’m going to go over the very first step in the process to help you create the life that you desire and that you deserve. Human beings, our brains are hardwired to find problems. Remember the fight or flight kind of syndrome that we live in? Well, our brains, we evolved from cave people, always were looking for something wrong. Danger. “Let me watch out, there could be danger.” And so, the human brain is already programmed, literally, hardwired, to discover something wrong. So, the mind, to me, is the theater of imagination, and what it tends to concentrate on is negative. 

Well, let’s think about it. Let’s say that you are running a little bit late, and your unconscious thought is, “I always run late, I’m always late,” even though you’re just running a few minutes late this time. Well, now you programmed your brain to go, “Well, I’m always late,” so now you begin to believe that. So, what happens? Your brain finds evidence to back that up, “So you’re late today, you must always be late.” And then, all of a sudden, what happens? You, all of a sudden, are always late. These kinds of negative thoughts not only have an effect on how you’re thinking, they actually affect your physical body. 

You can create, unconsciously, a large amount of psychological stress by repeatedly thinking a thought over and over again that isn’t in the best interest of your delicious life. And so, you can trigger that thought over and over again. You can trigger that fight or flight over and over again. Potentially, you begin to release chemicals that are actually harmful to your body. The chemicals can actually be poisonous to your body. So, as a result, then you start to feel tense and you wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” And, in reality, what’s wrong with you is that you’ve unconsciously been concentrating on what’s wrong, and you’ve now caused additional stress in your body. 

It’s a vicious cycle, it can lead to you feeling extremely tense. And when you have this mind-body link, you can actually be creating a bit of a vicious cycle. So, we want to harness the power of thoughts that actually bring more of that delicious life into your experience. And as you shift into choosing thoughts that better support you and your happiness, you begin to transform not only your thinking, your emotions. You begin to feel in a happier state. And, my gosh, what an alternative to unconsciously or consciously having those negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions. So, starting today, I want you to make a very conscious effort to be aware of the things that you’re thinking, and to really take control of your thoughts, to have more power over your thoughts. 

You don’t want your thoughts to be harming your thinking, or your body, or your blood pressure, or your ability to generate money, or that feeling of overwhelm or stuck. So, today, here at Live Well, Earn Well is your wake-up call. You can have your own well-being, physical wellness. You can take charge of this just like you can take charge of your finances. You have to make the decision, though, right here, right now, to make that change, then I can help you create more prosperity in all areas of your life; emotional, financial, relationships, health, every single area. You’ve got to get into control of your thoughts starting here today. I want you to have what you desire and deserve, I’m giving you a session to help you do that. 

No charge; my gift to you because you’re here at Live Well, Earn Well. Make sure you’ve subscribed. Make sure that you give us some good comments, and like and share the love, and I will see you next time. Just make sure you grab your console, it is my gift to you. 

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