11 Steps To Becoming A Thought Leader

11 Steps To Becoming A Thought Leader

Discover the 11 steps to becoming a thought leader with Dr. Terri Levine. Elevate your visibility and credibility in your industry, and position yourself as a trusted advisor and a respected voice in your market.

This episode delves into the essence of thought leadership – providing value and education to your audience by sharing your knowledge. This could be achieved through various channels like writing insightful articles, engaging social media posts, and informative newsletters. Establishing yourself as an expert in the field is the foundation of becoming a reliable source of information and advice.

Dr. Levine underscores the significance of maintaining an active business blog as part of your thought leadership journey. By regularly updating your blog with content relevant to your industry and offering valuable insights to your readers, you reinforce your position as a thought leader.

Dive into this episode as Dr. Terri Levine unravels the 11-step roadmap to becoming a thought leader, and prepare to make a lasting impact in your industry.

Key Highlights From The Episode:

[0:46] Today’s theme; How to become a thought leader

[1:22] Steps to take to become a thought leader 

[1:27] #1 Maintain an active business blog 

[1:37] #2 Contribute to other people’s blogs

[1:48] #3 Constantly publish content 

[1:59] #4 Launch your podcast

[2:03] #5 Speak on other people’s podcast 

[2:09] #6 Offer to speak at conferences

[2:15] #7 Go live on your Facebook group and offer to do interviews in other people’s Facebook groups   

[2:22] #8 Answer questions on social media

[2:40] #9 Highlight your expertise 

[2:51] #10 Give people value and education 

[3:09] #11 Listen & look for feedback 

[3:13] Call to action 

Golden Nuggets:

  • Your goal as a coach or consultant is to become a trusted advisor and a trusted voice in your market [0:54]
  • Keep your ear to the ground and keep your eyes open. People are looking for help, and all you need to do is to create and share value & education [2:56]


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Full Transcript:

Hi there, welcome to Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants. I am Dr. Terri Levine, and I am here with some quick help. And that’s what we do here, so make sure you subscribe. How do you actually become a thought leader? I’ve gotten asked this question quite a bit lately. I think it’s a very important question because your goal as a coach or consultant is to become a trusted adviser and a trusted voice in your market. And when you do, you definitely have an advantage to capture the interest and the attention of your target market. So, are you ready to level up your influence, your impact, and your income? That’s what we’re all about here. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss any episodes.

All right. So, let me give you the steps to take to become a thought leader. The first thing I recommend is that you maintain an active business blog. So, you’re doing your own blogging on your website, you’re adding value, you’re adding content. In addition, you start to look at other people’s blogs and offer to contribute guest posts to their blogs so that their audience can also see you as a thought leader. I also recommend that you’re constantly publishing your content, whether it’s articles, whether it’s social media posts, whether it’s a newsletter, whether it’s a newsletter on LinkedIn. Launch your own podcast just like this.

Speak at other people’s podcasts, just offer to speak for their podcast and be interviewed. Offer to speak at conferences, events. Hold your own conferences and events. Do lives in your Facebook group, offer to do interviews in other people’s Facebook groups. Definitely answer questions on social media, look to sites like Quora. I definitely would recommend that you look at social media posts regularly, especially in groups that you might be in where you can contribute value and answer people’s questions without being pitchy or salesy. Highlight your expertise, make sure that’s on all of your bios on social media. You can check mine on Facebook, and LinkedIn, and Instagram and see how that works. And then, go ahead and give people value and education.

I always say keep your ear to the ground, keep your eyes open. People are looking for help, and all you need to do is serve, and create, and share value and education. And certainly, listen and look for feedback. I hope these tips help you. Schedule a quick chat, let’s see if we can help you further. That’s what we’re all about here at Heartrepreneur Agency. See you next time.

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