Effortlessly Educate and Attract Customers

Effortlessly Educate and Attract Customers

Effortless customer attraction involves more than just promoting your product. It entails forging a genuine connection with your audience. You can transform your prospects into lifelong supporters by understanding their needs and showcasing how your product or service helps them achieve their desired results.

In this incredible episode, Dr. Terri Levine delves deep into one of the most powerful tool for drawing in new customers: educating your audience. By providing valuable information that helps your audience achieve their desired results, you not only foster trust but also position yourself as an expert in your field.

Dr. Terri Levine also discusses the concept of email courses, shedding light on what they are and why they’re an invaluable tool for businesses looking to make an impact. Additionally, she shares actionable steps on how to craft an email course that not only educates but also converts.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:34] Episode introduction

[00:53] Today’s focus: One of the most powerful ways you can attract new customers

[01:11] Educating your audience

[02:26] The best strategy for educating your audience

[02:32] What is an email course?

[03:01] Advantages of creating email courses

[03:38] Steps on how to create an email course that converts prospects into customers

[03:43] Step #1 Identify a problem that your ideal customer wants to solve

[03:57] Step #2 Outline the steps to solve that problem

[04:14] Step #3 Create an email course to teach those steps

[05:21] Step #4 Create a post-click landing page

[05:30] Step #5 Promote the email course and evaluate the results 

[06:29] To get Dr. Terri Levine’s email course for free, please email: terri@heartrepreneur.com

Golden Nuggets:

  • While nobody likes being sold to, everyone likes to buy once they make an informed decision. [01:17] 
  • When you provide valuable information that helps your audience achieve positive results, you gain their trust and position yourself as an expert in your field. [01:28]
  • When you can seamlessly connect from the heart with your product or service, showing how it can help your audience achieve their desired result, the transition from educating your prospects to making a sale becomes smooth. [01:46]
  • “The best way to convince someone that you can help is to actually help them.” [02:12]
  • An email course is a series of lessons delivered directly to your audience’s inbox over a set period of time. [02:32]
  • “Do not be promotional in your email course; let the value of the course speak for itself.” [04:39] 
  • “The key to success is delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.” [05:50]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there, it’s Dr. Terry Levine. Welcome to Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants. I am so glad that you have joined. I have a really big tip for you today, and I’m going to extend my hand today and offer to actually help you. So, I’m really excited to share this with you. Hope you’ve subscribed to the podcast so you don’t miss any episodes. So, I want to share with you today one of the most powerful ways that you can attract new customers in a way that you do it as a heartrepreneur where you totally connect with them and then you turn them into lifetime supporters. 

You know what that is? It’s education. It’s education. That’s right. You want to educate your audience because nobody likes to be sold, yet everyone does like to buy once they make an informed decision. So, I want you to picture this: you’re providing valuable information that actually helps your audience achieve positive results. And in return, you’re getting their trust and you’re positioning yourself as an expert in the field. 

Now, that is a win-win. Guess what? When you can seamlessly connect from the heart with your product or service, showing how that can help your audience achieve their desired result, the transition from educating your prospect to making a sale, it’s smooth. Smooth as butter. Now, Frank Kern, a good friend of mine, he said the best way to convince someone that you can help is to actually help them. Let’s get an amen for that. Preach it, Frank. That is just simply truth. So, here’s a little nugget of wisdom for you to consider. Create a short email course. 

Now, “What’s that?” You might be asking. Well, it’s a series of lessons delivered right to your audience’s inbox over a set period of time. And, at the end of these lessons, you very gracefully extend your hand and you invite prospects to check out your products or services. You show them, “Hey, it can work wonders for you.” Now, why do I love email courses so much? Because I really do. Well, they’re like the Swiss Army knife of marketing strategies. They grow your email list. They add value before asking for a sale. They can easily be shared, duplicated. And guess what? They’re low costs with potentially very high rewards. 

Who doesn’t love a good deal? So, let me spend a few minutes here actually walking you through the magic of creating an email course that not only educates, it also converts those prospects into customers. So, whether you’re in the business of selling physical products, courses, coaching, consulting, software, premium online course, it doesn’t matter. The tips I’m about to share, they’re going to work for you like a charm. 

So, let’s look at step one: Identify a problem that your ideal customer wants to solve. The thing that keeps them up at night, the challenges that they’re facing. Once you’ve got that, you’ve pretty much hit the jackpot. Step two: Outline the steps to actually solve that problem. Break it down, break it down. Make it small, make it simple so that you can help them understand how to bridge the gap from their current reality to their desired result. Step three: Create an email course to teach those steps. Now, that’s where the magic actually happens. 

You get to decide the length. When I write them and do them, they’re five days with a bonus ‘Day Zero’ and some bonus days at the end. The content you get to decide. And then use your ISP to set up an autoresponder sequence for people who opt-in. And remember, do not be promotional. Let the value of the course literally speak for itself. Now, after they completed your course, what’s next? You need to have a clear single call to action. Maybe you’re going to invite them to a webinar, or offer them to come into your LinkedIn group, or your Facebook community. Or maybe you’re offering a special discount. Or maybe you’re guiding them to a landing page to your product or service. keep that momentum going. 

Step four: Create a post-click landing page. What does that mean? That is your chance to showcase your email course. Keep it simple. Compelling headline, What they’re going to learn, and a very easy, effortless way for them to sign up for your course. Now, step five, the final step is promote the email course and then evaluate the results. Content marketing, email marketing, PR, paid advertising partnerships. The world is your oyster, my friend. Remember, track those conversions like a hawk. So, there you have it. The key to success is delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. Right message, right person, right time. With an email course, you’re doing just that. 

Even if they don’t buy right away, You’ve got their email. Keep nurturing your relationships as a heartrepreneur and, who knows? Even if those people didn’t buy, or didn’t buy yet, they might become your biggest fan. I want you to live your best life and I’m giving you tips to do that. So, if you want my email course for free, I am happy to give it to you. You need to send me an email. Very simple. Terri@heartrepreneur.com. T-E-R-R-I@H-E-A-R-T-R-E-P-R-E-N-E-U-R.com. Just take a look at the logo. Terri@heartrepreneur.com. And in the subject line, you don’t say anything other than, “Gain more prospects.” Super simple. Send me an email, it comes directly to me. 

I’m going to send you my email course as a gift and template it for you. If you enjoyed this episode, if you got one piece of value from it, please share it, give us a five-star review, and make sure you subscribe. I’ll see you here next time at Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants. Bye now.

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