Grow Your Business Without Sacrificing Your Life

Grow Your Business Without Sacrificing Your Life


When starting a business, every entrepreneur dreams of achieving time freedom and the ability to do what they want, whenever they want. However, the stress of running a business can become a constant obstacle.

Notably, as your business grows, you may become increasingly overwhelmed by the growing number of tasks, making it harder to achieve that initial dream of freedom.

In today’s episode, Dr. Terri Levine shares the story of a client who faced significant challenges running her thriving business. She also discusses her approach to helping clients build scalable, owner-independent businesses by focusing on essential elements like effective systems, strong teamwork, and clear internal rules.

Discover how these strategies can lead to remarkable outcomes, as illustrated by one client who increased his annual revenue from $2 million to over $5 million. Additionally, Dr. Terri Levine introduces her ACLS system and Four-Step Business Model, designed to help you grow your company while maintaining a balanced life. Tune in and discover how you can expand your business without sacrificing your life.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:38] Today’s topic: How to stop breaking your back and destroying your company

[00:45] The story of Dr. Terri Levine’s client who struggled to run her successful business

[03:13] How she supports clients who are struggling to manage their businesses

[03:55] The results one of Dr. Terri Levine’s clients achieved after applying her strategy

[05:13] What you need to scale your business without it depending on you

[05:51] Get a free playbook at

Golden Nuggets:

  • You can grow your company without sacrificing your life. [03:01]
  • The heavy reliance of your business on you is a significant weakness. [05:31]

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Full Transcript:

Hi there. It’s Dr. Terri Levine from Heartrepreneur, and I’m glad you’re tuning in. And today, I want to talk about how to stop literally breaking your back and destroying your company. So, I’m going to tell your story. Last week, a woman named Jinny, she came to me. She was running a successful business doing about… She was actually profiting about a million bucks a year. And what she told me is that running her business was actually bad for her health. It was bad for her family, bad for her marriage. 

She was tired of working these 80-hour weeks to run a successful business in Georgia, where she happened to live. At home, she had two young children, she didn’t spend enough time with them. And she really felt very pulled between the needs of her business and the really important people in her life. Her husband, he was fed up with her missing family dinners, family events, and also seeing the toll her business was taking on her health. The stress of running the business every single day was controlling both of them, and they knew it. And she was sent to me by someone who referred her, and she said, “I need to escape from this.” 

She came to me because she really didn’t know how to keep the business going, and she didn’t want to lose steam. I don’t know, maybe you can relate. Can you relate? Okay. You work hard, you know it. And you’re worried that your business will suffer if you don’t work so hard. And you’re kind of left holding the whole world on your shoulders, like Atlas. You’re afraid to take a step back for fear that your business will collapse around you. When you started your business, you probably dreamed of this magical life with time freedom to do what you wanted when you wanted, but the tough facts are that the stress of running your business can be holding you back every single day. 

Your fixed costs go up as your business does better. And as the business grows, you get stuck more and more into more and more tasks. And this was how Jinny felt. And I told Jinny that most of the client family members that I’ve had over these years come to me, literally, with the exact same issues. And, as a business consultant, my job is to show people like you how to set up your company so the company doesn’t need much time from you. And you can grow your company without sacrificing your life, and you could dramatically have more time freedom and make a bigger impact, and more income too. 

So, I told Jinny that we help with things like systems, and teamwork, and internal rules that are truly the building blocks of building a successful business. Then how to figure out what Jinny or you does for your company that adds value, and then taking away everything else that you do and that the business could still succeed without you even better? How to find the right people and give them the freedom so that they can help Jinny and you grow your business? And then, finally, how to give up control of your life so that the business gets to truly run itself. And it does. It’s very cool. 

I also shared with Jinny a story about my client, Jerry, and he learned from me. And then, literally, a fast implementer, implemented what I taught him and I saw his business grow. That’s because he finally learned how to handle both his family and his personal life at the same time. And Jerry’s business now, it’s making more than $5 million a year, and it was 2 million when he came to see me when we first started working together. So, he feels like his company runs without him, and, literally, if he wants, only has to work an hour a day, literally, if he wants. So, allow me to share Jerry’s story with you just to visualize what’s possible for you. 

You don’t have to handle every little thing yourself. You don’t need to work long hours because you’ve done that in the past, you’ve made it where your business is dependent on you, and you think the business’s future depends on how many hours you physically put into work. I know you want to do well. I know you want to succeed in business. And I also know what you need to do next to succeed. There’s no complaining about how much your company weighs you down. You want to grow the business, and what you probably haven’t realized is that you’re missing what is called the ACLS system. 

And this is what we implement in your business to scale it, and we also implement the four-step business model. That way, you set up your business so it runs without you, and it’s way, way more successful and profitable. The fact that your business depends upon you so much, it’s weakness. I’m sorry to tell you that, it’s not a strength. And after a few days of thinking about Jerry’s story, I’d like to help you. Let’s get to work on growing your business and getting your life back. Let’s create a business that you actually love. You can head on over and get a free playbook at 

I’m giving you the whole playbook, it’s my gift to you. Tune in, subscribe, give us a five-star review over at iTunes, and share the show. Thank you. 

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