How To Go From Fear to Exhilaration

How To Go From Fear to Exhilaration

What’s your worst fear?

Are you ready to take control of your fears and transform them into stepping stones for success?

In this episode, Dr. Terri Levine delves into the fears that hold us back and how we can confront them head-on. She shares a personal experience of overcoming her fear of heights by embracing a thrilling roller coaster ride.

Dr.Terri Levine also shares how one of her clients shed the notion of perpetual hustle and found a serene balance between work and life. By releasing fears and setting healthy boundaries, the client not only grew her business but also enriched her personal life.

Listen to learn more.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:09] Episode introduction

[00:52] How to overcome fear

[01:38] The difference between fear and exhilaration

[02:43] Client testimonial 

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Golden Nuggets:

  • When we start to build up a life of all of these fears that might not be real, then our mind begins to create a lot more anxiety. [00:30] 
  • “If you want to conquer fear, you first have to acknowledge it consciously.” -Dr. Terri Levine [00:46]
  • There’s a distinction between fear and exhilaration. What’s interesting is that the only thing that separates the two is your belief. [01:38]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there. It’s Dr. Terri Levine, welcome back to Live Well, Earn Well. And today, I want you to take a moment, and I want you to be really honest and think about fear and the fears that you have in your life. So, there’s no doubt that it’s beneficial to have some healthy anxiety in life because that anxiety helps you recognize a potential for danger. However, on the other hand, when we start to build up a life of all of these fears that might not be real, then our mind begins to create a lot more anxiety. And instead of moving towards something we desire, we back off because of the fear. 

So, if you want to conquer fear, you first have to acknowledge, consciously, okay, I’ve got some fear around this, it exists, And instead, you have to take a two-minute physical action around that fear to move in towards what you desire and deserve. You have to move in the direction of the thing that you fear. As an example, I used to carry around the belief that I had a fear of heights, and then I decided to go on a very tall roller coaster. Fear, right? I moved in the direction of the fear. I put a smile on my face, I got on the roller coaster. And instead of the fear holding me back, it moved me forward. And the funniest part of the story is I ended up loving it. Went on and off the roller coaster, I don’t know, six or eight times. 

So, instead of avoiding fear, I moved in the direction, and I worked through the fear. There’s a distinction between fear and exhilaration. And what’s really interesting is the only thing that separates the two is your belief. I can believe a roller coaster is exhilarating; get on it and enjoy it, or I could go, “I’m not going on a roller coaster, I’m afraid.” So, today I want you to realize the majority of things holding you back, the fear holding you back is a tale that you’ve energetically taught yourself, consciously or unconsciously, over and over and over again. And so, if you’re spending your time caught up in fear and thinking thoughts that aren’t moving you forward, then you’re going to be stuck. 

Let me tell you about a client family member. She came to me, her business wasn’t as successful as she wanted, it wasn’t growing. And really getting a look at what she believed, she had just worked with a coach who told her, “You have to hustle and grind. Forget your life, put it on hold. Everything right now is about business, business, business. Creating money, money, money. Later you can go live your life.” So, I’m going to read you, she actually sent me this and I printed it out, an email. I’m going to read you what she said. We’ve been working together for a month, I know she has a lot less stress and made the shifts. Listen to what she says. 

She says, “I’m not working as many hours as I used to, and I now have boundaries between my life and my work. Every day, I’m willing to let go of my fears and my anger, and I’m thankful for the inner work we are doing together. I’m aware that I formed anxieties because I was constantly told that if I didn’t put in a lot of effort, and put my life on hold, my company would fail. And then when I did put in a lot of effort and I wasn’t making the money I really wanted, I subsequently believed that I wasn’t going to be successful in business. Financial success was not for me. Now, a significant change has occurred in my life, and I’m totally responsible for my own way of thinking. I’m able to move my business ahead with ease. 

More money is flowing in. Additionally, I’m working much less. I’m way more present for my family, my community, and also spending time with my health interests and spiritual interests. I am finally able…” I love this, listen to this. “I am finally able to drive my automobile without always looking in the rearview mirror. That automobile is my life. I no longer worry about what is coming up behind me. Instead, I feel like I’m fully in control of the vehicle; my life. While this is happening, I’m enjoying a wonderful trip that is taking both my life and business to the next level and getting me exactly where I want to be.” That’s what I want for you here at Live Well, Earn Well. 

Put your comments in wherever you’re watching this. Give us a review on Apple podcasts. Continue to follow us. We are here to help you live well and earn well. Thanks for tuning in, I’ll see you next time. Bye, now.

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