Live Your Life by Design Not by Default

Live Your Life by Design Not by Default

Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine living your life by design. What would the different aspects of your life look like?

Today, Dr. Terri Levine shares valuable insights to help you break free from living your life and business by default. The goal of this episode is to help you live a delicious, and juicy life by design.

Listen to learn more.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:42] How to break free from living your life and running your business by default

[00:56] Living life by design

[01:34] How to start living life by design

[01:41] Reflecting on the previous year: what objectives did you have?

[01:52] Evaluating your progress

[02:52] Self-reflection questions

[03:48] Join Dr Terri’s Webinar:

Golden Nuggets:

When we set out intentionally to live our lives, we are fully present. Just be there, living in the moment, maintaining your focus on your work, your life, your organization, and everything that you choose. [02:09]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there. It’s Dr. Terri Levine here from Heartrepreneur, and welcome to Live Well, Earn Well. Today, I want to talk about how you get to break free from living your life and running your business by default, to actually empowering yourself right here, right now, today. Instead of living your life by default, just imagine with me for a moment, if you were living your life, all aspects of it; your health, your relationships, your spirituality, your community, every single thing, living it by design. 

And then, imagine that you’re running your business by design. Consider for a moment the previous year in your business and in your life, did you plan out your objectives? Most people don’t, and they instead end up living and working a life by default. And I want to help you live your life, your delicious juicy life by design. So, we begin with taking a look back over the previous year, and I want you to be really honest, looking back over the previous year, what were the objectives that you had for life, for business? What were the strategies that you had? And then be honest and take a few moments and evaluate your progress. What progress did you make? 

What things did you encounter that maybe were a little bit difficult or challenging? What skills did you learn? What knowledge did you pick up, and how can you integrate them and continue to improve your life and your business? When we set out intentionally to live our life, we are there. Just be there, living in the moment, maintaining your concentration on your work, on your life, on your organization, and all the things that you choose. And then making a plan, and then reaching your goals and objectives. Making a plan in your business to do the exact same thing. Making a plan to spend more time with your family, your friends, your acquaintances, your buddies, whatever it is, your significant other. 

My goodness, definitely worth investing in, investing in time for yourself. So today, I encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect on your life. Ask yourself some open-ended questions. These are self-coaching questions, both about things that you learned that were maybe positive and things that got in the way a bit. Look at your life, look at your business, and ask yourself, “Are the goals I’m setting real? Do they have meaning? Do they inspire me, or do I need to create goals that are more sincere, more meaningful?” Really, do some introspection here so that you don’t have any regret and you live your life fully. 

Consider and examine that previous year as honestly as you possibly can, and then start taking necessary steps to adhere to the plans that are going to make your life more delicious and even better. Activities that you’re going to increase, whether it’s in fitness, or relationships, or social activities, or business. It is time for you to leave your very best life. I want you to live well and to earn well, and I’m here to help you. So, I’m actually going to drop in the link to a webinar that you might want to also watch, and this is where I help you earn well. Please let us know how you’re enjoying the podcast. 

We love your reviews. Make sure that you follow us wherever your favorite podcasts are, and we definitely would love for you to share our podcast. Thanks for joining me today, I will see you next time at Live Well, Earn Well.

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