How to Get Your Priorities Right

How to Get Your Priorities Right

When most people get up, they take time to prioritize activities for the day. The big question is, do they do it right?

In this episode, Dr. Terri Levine teaches how to get your priorities right. She explains what a priority is, how to differentiate vital tasks from urgent tasks, and how you can use color codes to help you get your priorities right.

Listen to learn more.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:42] Quote of the day

[00:56] Episode introduction

[01:35] What is a priority?

[02:07] Vital versus urgent tasks

[03:46] How to establish priorities

[05:29] Dr. Terri Levine’s invite to her community call

Golden Nuggets:

  • The essence of managing your life is identifying what’s important, planning its execution, and getting it done. [00:46]
  • A priority is an event or activity that is congruent with your innermost values and what it does. It creates quality of life. [01:37]
  • Red events are what I call vital and urgent. A red event comes up out of the blue, all of a sudden. You have to stop what you’re doing right now and attend to that. [02:44]
  • A green event is vital, although it’s not urgent. [03:02]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there. It’s Dr. Terri Levine, welcome back to Live Well, Earn Well. And I found this quote today, and I want to start the episode off with the quote. It is by William Gillerall, and he says, “The essence of managing your life is identifying what’s important, planning its execution, and getting it done.” And I agree with that. So, today, in this episode, I am going to help you prioritize your most important business and life tasks day-to-day, really focus on your own work lifestyle of integration, and apply some of the key concepts in the Live Well, Earn Well program. So, let’s begin. 

Every day, we wake up and we have to select and prioritize activities. So, the way that I start, and I teach my client family members in Live Well, Earn Well to start, is getting clear about priorities. What is vital versus urgent? That’s a writer downer. Vital versus urgent. Let me talk about what a priority is. A priority is an event or an activity that is congruent with your innermost values. And what it does, it creates quality of life. Prioritizing, however, does not necessarily establish the order or the time in which these events or activities are performed. 

Let me also break down ‘vital and urgent,’ and then I’ll teach you the formula. So, vital means it’s necessary for the existence of you, your business, from profitability, continuance, health, happiness, all of those good things, your personal well-being. Urgent, on the other hand, means it’s compelling and it requires, in your personal life or your business life, time and attention. So, I created this little color code system. It has red at the top, then it has green, then it has yellow, and then it has gray at the bottom. Kind of like a traffic light. 

Red events are what I call vital and urgent. And a red event comes up out of the blue all of a sudden. You have to stop what you’re doing right now and attend to that. It’s that important. It’s like a blazing fire. You stop everything. It’s interrupted you, and it has to be handled. A green event is vital, although it’s not urgent. So, green means go there, get to work on that thing in your business, your life, whatever it might be. Yellow events are not vital, urgent. It means caution. Things like spending hours scrolling social media.. Low payoff activity, low value. Going to networking groups where you’re not really networking could be a yellow activity. And then gray are activities that are not vital and not urgent, and those are the events that you want to avoid. 

They don’t add value for you, your family, your organization, any of that. So, how do we establish priorities? And I’m excited to share this with you. All of your events and activities can be prioritized as vital, not vital; and urgent, not urgent. So, what I recommend you do is you have a little sheet of paper, and I keep a list of red events, things that have interrupted me and caused upheaval that were unplanned. Things like we got locked out of Facebook, I’m the only one who knows how to get back in. 

That’s not vital, however, when someone on my team’s like, “Hey, I’m locked out of Facebook,” I have to drop everything and get them back in. I have a list of red events, things that just popped up that I wasn’t expecting, and believe me, more will happen. Another red event is when a family member gets ill. I drop everything, I forget everything, and I go handle that. Green events… So, red, mentally, for me, they’re kind of like an upheaval. Green events, they’re the serenity events. 

They’re my planned most vital activities; podcasting, being on podcasts, being a part of my community on Facebook and adding value, engaging with people, working with my client family members, eating right, working out every day, etc. These are green. Yellow events are kind of an illusion if I really think about them. They’re unplanned activities, and they’re also unimportant. Sitting on the phone, scrolling social media as an example. Those gray events, at this point in my life, they’re simply trivia. They’re unwanted, unimportant events. 

I strongly suggest that you try this strategy, because it really does work, and get on our next community call. I keep it very small. Get on the call. We get together on Zoom, y. You can ask me any questions. I have no agenda, just to show up, be there, to help and to serve, and to help you live your best life, earn your best income. Live well, earn well. If you haven’t subscribed, please, do. We love your reviews. And you know what we love? We love when you share our podcast. Thanks for joining me, I will see you next time at Live Well, Earn Well.

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