How To Learn To Trust Your Instincts

How To Learn To Trust Your Instincts

Ever feel like you’re stuck in overdrive, even when you’re supposed to be relaxing? This episode is for you.

Dr. Terri Levine discusses the art of anxiety and the art of relaxation, and how they impact business owners. She delves into how our inability to relax can stem from various underlying causes like hypervigilance and an unhealthy dependence on oneself.

Dr. Terri Levine also shares insights on why relaxation is crucial for fostering creativity and building a business that you truly enjoy.

Listen to learn more.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:34] Episode introduction

[00:42] Learn to listen and trust your instincts

[00:57] What to do when you can’t relax

[01:23] Hypervigilance and how it prevents you from relaxing

[02:11] The essence of relaxation

[03:41] What is healthy anxiety?

[04:08] Simple anxiety versus hypervigilance

[05:18] Grab your free guide on ‘How to Manifest Your Goals: 

[05:34] Email:

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Golden Nuggets:

  • Hypervigilance is the consequence of having a childhood in which there was an excessive amount of adult duties. [01:42]
  • If you’re constantly living with the stressful concept of being on alert at all times and seeing every situation as weak and scary, you’re not going to create a business that you love and enjoy. [02:46]

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Full Transcript:

Hey there, welcome to the podcast. I’m really happy to have you here. Today, I want you to relax and take it easy. One of the most important things you need to do if you’re unable to relax is to learn to trust and to also listen to your own instincts. When it’s necessary, yeah, you can rely on other people and get some help from them. If you’re unable to relax, and maybe it’s despite the fact that you’re taking a break from the chaos of troubled thoughts that you’re having, a break is what you need. And when you can’t, and it’s like, “I just can’t take a break, these thoughts are running rampant through my head,” that’s when you want to look at what is the underlying cause. 

Some people have what I refer to as hypervigilance, and if that’s you, it means that you’re not able to relax or to really enjoy yourself. And this chronic anxiousness, it can be generated by hatred and sensitivity to other people, that sort of thing. In many cases, hypervigilance is the consequence of having a childhood in which there was an excessive amount of adult duties; that might be you. One of the other reasons you might not be able to relax is you have an unhealthy dependence on yourself. Maybe you believe that, in order to get something done correctly, you’ve got to do it yourself. And if that’s true, and you’re hypervigilant like this, you’re not going to really relax.

And why is relaxation important? “Why are you talking about that, Terri?” Because those who can relax and have ease can move into creating a business with that same ease. Feeling anxious from time to time, that’s natural. Of course, it’s part of life. On the other hand, if you’re constantly living with the stressful concept and kind of on alert at all times, and seeing every situation as weak and scary, you’re not going to create a business that you love and enjoy. If anyone’s ever told you to relax or stop doing too much, and you’ve been unable to do that, or maybe even got angry that they’re telling you that, or disappointed with yourself, like, “I’d like to, I just can’t,” deep down, you’re aware that you’re merely preparing yourself for the worst. 

Some people think that way, and you believe that other people who aren’t preparing themselves for the worst just aren’t getting it. Also, you might be a very sensitive person. If you have an idea that other people are just going to let you down, and they’re not going to help you, that’s not a good way to live your life. That’ll create a lot of anxiety. So, even when you create success in your business, you’ve got to learn how to deal with these kinds of anxiety, which is why I’m addressing it today. 

Now, healthy anxiety is something that all of us have. It’s a universal feeling to be afraid of things like death, and disease, and injury, and hunger, that’s just normal. And, at a psychological level, you might be afraid of things like being rejected, abandoned, engulfed, losing people you care about. So, less severe in this hypervigilance is what I call simple anxiety. And, as I said, fear is important. It’s our means of surviving or it keeps us alert. And your objective as a business owner is to acquire the skills necessary to control your anxiety and make sure that your anxiety is not preventing you from feeling safe in situations where, frankly, you should feel comfortable. 

So, if you experience extreme anxiety or worry on a daily basis, and possibly, have symptoms like rapid heart rate, palpitations, or irritability, or edginess, or migraines, or an upset stomach, difficulty sleeping, weariness, difficulty concentrating, muscle pain, back pain, all these things, you might actually be suffering from an anxiety disorder and you’re experiencing what I now call persistent anxiety, if that’s you. Every time you try to relax, if you’re ending up paying a significant price, then you need to have tactics that will genuinely help you to rest. In addition to providing you with my free guide in how to manifest your goals, I really want to help you manifest your dreams. 

So, if you want a complimentary copy, just send me an email with “Manifest your dreams” in the subject line. And my email is That’s Subscribe, share the show, and we just love your reviews on Apple. Thanks for joining me here today, I’ll see you next time. Bye now.

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