The Secret to High-Quality Followers

The Secret to High-Quality Followers

One of the most common pieces of advice from gurus is to grow your following. However, solely focusing on increasing your followers has limitations when it comes to the quality of the followers you get. 

In this episode, Dr. Terri Levine discusses why the conventional wisdom of solely focusing on growing your followers might not be the best advice for success. She shares the secret to attracting high-quality followers by writing high-quality content that leverages your uniqueness.

She highlights that your story, experiences, skills, and personality make you unique and cannot be replicated. When you have the right framework and understand how to highlight your uniqueness, you no longer need to focus on growing your followers. Instead, you simply attract a massive following through your magnetic content.

Moreover, discover the advantage of writing unique, high-quality, persuasive, and addictive content that helps you build the foundation of your business on something that cannot be replicated – you.

Key Highlights From The Episode: 

[00:33] Introduction to the show

[01:03] Why solely focusing on growing your following is poor advice

[03:17] The secret to attracting high-quality followers

[04:15] Follow Dr. Terri Levine on:

Instagram: @Mentorterrilevine

Facebook: @Mentorterri

                : @MentorTerriLevine

[04:36] The advantage of writing high-quality content that leverages your uniqueness

[05:54] Get Dr. Terri Levine’s assistance on the type of content you should write:




Golden Nuggets:

  • The more followers you have, the more potential you have for making money.  [01:14]
  • Your story, experiences, skills, personality, and anything else that makes you unique cannot be replicated. [03:39]
  • When you have the right framework and understand how to highlight your uniqueness, you no longer need to focus on growing your followers; instead, you simply attract a massive following through your magnetic content. [03:56]
  • Learning how to create unique, high-quality, persuasive, and addictive content ensures you have no competition. It helps you build the foundation of your business on something that can never be replicated – and that is you. [04:42]

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Full Transcript:

Hi, it’s Dr. Terri Levine here, and welcome to this edition of Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants. Make sure you subscribe to the show, give us a positive review, and kindly share the show, we appreciate that. Okay. Today I’m going to talk really bluntly about one of the most common growth guru tips that I’ve seen every single day, and that’s some of the worst advice you can possibly have. And what I hear these gurus saying is, “Grow your following, grow your following.” Now, this is actually really poor advice because people actually can’t think beyond the surface-level stuff.

So, all they want to do is add more followers. And yes, I obviously agree, the more followers you have, the bigger your audience, potentially, the more money you’ll make to a degree. So, really breathe that in. If your sole focus is on growth, and nothing else, you kind of are like — I don’t know, I’m going to use a word analogy here — you’re kind of like a whore to the algorithm pimps out there. And so, you have to do some kind of manipulative things like putting out some really poor content just so you can get a few hundred followers who you know would agree or disagree with your post, or whatever.

And, to me, that’s the digital equivalent of working the streets, right? And that’s how I brought in that prostitution and pimp analogy, I don’t know where that came from. So, that’s something that we never want to do no matter how broke or how desperate we might be. Let’s face it, hopefully, we wouldn’t go do that on the real street so let’s not do that on the digital streets. So let me get the point really drilled in here. What if I told you that there is a way to grow your following without actually kind of being a whore to the algorithm pimps? And, really, that’s what social media has become.

What if I told you that there’s a way to create content that is, literally, so powerful, so persuasive, and so addictive that you can attract thousands of people to, actually, click the ‘follow’ button on your social media profiles, or to subscribe to your email opt-in page? And what if I told you that, not only does this work for me, it’s worked for thousands of my client family members? So, I want to help you. The secret to creating this effect does not lie in your typical growth tactics, that 90%, maybe even 99% of the growth guru guides show you how to use kind of sneaky things to cheat the algorithm.

And yeah, you can do that. You can get low IQ and very low-quality followers, which isn’t going to help you make any money and monetize. So, here’s the secret. You’re ready for this? Okay. It lies in understanding the fundamental framework of writing high-quality content that literally leverages your uniqueness. You see, that right there, that I just shared with you, that is what I call the secret sauce. By definition, your story, your experiences, your skills, your personality, and anything else that makes you unique, oh, my gosh, it cannot be replicated. You’re one of a kind. You’re a brilliant shining diamond. Just take that in.

And when you have the right framework and understanding of how to highlight your uniqueness, then you no longer have to focus on growing your following. Instead, you simply attract a massive following through your magnetic content. My Instagram is around 200,000 all by doing this, you might want to follow me over @mentorterrilevine. I have two Facebook business pages. I have Facebook which is @mentorterri, and Facebook @mentorterrilevine. And I don’t know, we have like another 75,000 followers there. I don’t look for followers, people are drawn to me as they will be to you if you follow what I’m giving you because your content demonstrates that you have something they can’t get anywhere else.

And when you know how to write content that creates this effect, you have no competition because you built the foundation of your business on something that can never be replicated, and that is you. I hope this makes sense. So, if you think about it, it’s like trying to copy the recipe for Coca-Cola. No one knows the recipe, everyone has failed. And the only company that ever came close invented their own unique recipe called Pepsi. And they came close by doing the opposite of everyone else. Instead of trying to imitate Coca-Cola, they made their own unique drink.

So, unless you want to join kind of like the cesspool with the other 99% of people who copy and paste the same content tactics, use the same templates, and swipe file that everyone else is using, you’re not going to make it. So, I suggest you ignore all the growth advice out there, and instead, learn the framework of how to write powerful, persuasive, and unique content. And I suggest you then follow this framework to cook up your own recipe. Anyway, if you want to get an idea of what kind of content to write, again, follow me over at Instagram @mentorterrilevine.

And follow me at Facebook @mentorterrylevine, and also @mentorterry. I look forward to being here to continue to serve and support you here at Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants. And if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out. Just message me on any of those places on social media, and I personally will respond to you. I’m surely here to help you. Thanks for tuning in, I will see you next time here at Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants. Bye now.

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